Membership in the 7th P.D.A.C. consists primarily of representatives of community and business organizations. Each representative acts as a liaison between his/her primary organization and both the 7th Police District and the Advisory Council. These individuals bring the concerns of their members/constituents/customers to the attention of police personnel and the Advisory Council. Likewise, they use the information gathered at our meetings to educate their members/constituents/customers. Your local community organizations are your link to the P.D.A.C. If you have an area of concern that you feel we might be able to help with, bring it to the attention of your local community organization (Town Watch, civic, school, etc.) They are most likely a member of P.D.A.C. If not you may also contact us directly.
Membership in the 7th P.D.A.C. is open to community and business organizations representing a constituency of residents or having substantial operations within the boundaries of the 7th Police District. Our current membership roster includes the following organizations.