WARNING: All offenders featured within this website should be considered armed and dangerous. Do not approach or attempt to apprehend any person that you suspect is wanted. If you have information or know the whereabouts of an individual featured within this website you should contact 9-1-1 immediately.
Law enforcement personnel should verify warrant status before service is attempted upon an individual featured within this website.
Warning: If you see door to door salespersons peddling electric suppliers, please notify police by dialing 9-1-1. These door to door solicitations are not permitted.
Warning: Metal scrappers are often out and about in our community. Unfortunately, these scrappers often steal items such as bbq grills. If you see one of these scrappers in your community, please dial 9-1-1. The police would like to investigate these scrappers but cannot be everywhere at once. They depend on you to be their eyes and ears.
Warning: People posing as Philadelphia Water Department employees, including wearing of an identification badge and uniform, have gained access to several residences throughout the District. These imposters generally operate in pairs. One will lure the homeowner down to the basement where the water meter is while the second will search the home for valuables. All of the victims in these crimes have been over 80 years of age. Should someone claiming to be a Water Department employee show up at your door, make sure you see an official Department vehicle parked outside. If you have any doubts as to the authenticity of these persons, dial 9-1-1 immediately.
There have also been people posing as employees of other city agencies. The same general cautions apply. When in doubt, dial 9-1-1 and refuse access to your home.